One of the outreach ministries of Long Memorial is its involvement with the Boy Scouts of America. For over 80 years the church has been home to Boy Scout Troop 249 (originally Troop 49). During that time many boys have been exposed to the outdoor activities, such as camping, hiking, cooking and swimming, that are hallmarks of the scouting program. Sixty-nine of those scouts have earned the highest award in Boy Scouts, the coveted rank of Eagle Scout. In addition to the Boy Scout Troop, Long Memorial also sponsors Cub Scout Pack 249. The Cub Pack is comprised of Tiger Cubs (1st grade), Wolf (2nd grade), Bear (3rd grade), and Webelos (4th & 5th grade).
The Boy Scout Troop meets on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in the Scout Room on the third floor of the church. The leaders for the troop are Dave Hester, Troy Bradsher, David Tingen, Jeremy Royster and Doug Pulliam. The Cub Pack meets on the 1st and 2nd Mondays of each month at 6-7:30 p.m. and is led by Steve Garner and Pat Marlowe.
The troop and pack are part of the Cherokee District of the Old North State Council which is headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina. Their home camp is Camp Cherokee just west of Yanceyville, North Carolina in neighboring Caswell County.
If you would like to participate in the scouting program as either a leader or a youth, please contact Scout Master Dave Hester at or 336-322-4378 or Cub Master Steve Garner at or 336-588-2816 or 919-323-1198. General questions concerning the Boy Scout program at Long Memorial may be directed to Bob Morgan at 336-599-6980.

Troop 249 Camp Project 2017

Troop 249 Camp Project 2017

Troop 249 at BSA Camp 2017