Click on the date of the sermon you wish to view.
Date | Title | Scripture | Preacher |
Dec 25 | “Out of the Ordinary” | Is. 9: 2-7 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Dec 24 | “A Reflection on the Christmas Story” | Luke 2: 1-20 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Dec 11 | “Joy Is the Oxygen” | Luke 1: 39-56 | Lucy Burch |
Dec 4 | “Big Hopes” | Is. 11: 1-10; Rom. 15: 4-13 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Nov 27 | “Holy Anticipation” | Rom. 13: 11-14 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Nov 20 | “Made Strong With All Strength” | Col. 1: 9-20 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Nov 6 | “Beloved by the Lord” | II Thes. 2: 13-17 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Oct 30 | “We Must Always Give Thanks” | II Thes. 1-4, 11-12 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Oct 23 | “When My Time Is Finished” | II Tim. 4: 6-8,16-18 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Oct 16 | “Be Persistent” | II Tim. 3:14 – 4:2 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Oct 9 | “This Saying Is Sure” | II Tim. 2: 8-15 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Oct 2 | “The Faith of Your Grandmother” | II Tim. 1: 1-14 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Sep 25 | “A Good Place” | Jer. 32: 14-15 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Sep 18 | “Loved by God, Loved by Us” | Ps. 139: 1-18 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Sep 11 | “Joy and Belonging” | Luke 15: 1-10 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Sep 4 | “You’re Too Kind” | Philemon 1-21 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Aug 28 | “Now That’s What I Call a Banquet!” | Luke 14: 1, 7-14 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Aug 21 | “Rule Following” | Luke 13: 10-17 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Aug 14 | “I Wouldn’t Have Put That in the Brochure” | Heb. 11:29 – 12:2 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Aug 7 | “Dressed for Action” | Luke 12: 32-40 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Jul 31 | “More Than One Kind of Greed” | Luke 12: 13-21 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Jul 24 | “Reflections” | Luke 11: 1-13 | Pattie J. Porter |
Jul 17 | “Costly Riches” | Col. 1: 21-28 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Jul 10 | “Unexpected” | Luke 10: 25-37 | Garrett Hammonds |
Jul 3 | “Traveling Lite” | Luke 10: 1-11 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Jun 26 | “Redigging Wells” | Gen. 26: 12-33 | Rev. Mike Frese |
Jun 19 | “Clothed with Christ; No Longer (Slave nor Free)” | Gal. 3: 23-29 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Jun 12 | “Justified We Have Peace” | Rom. 5: 1-5 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Jun 5 | “All of Them Were Filled” | Acts 9: 1-21 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
May 29 | “Really Big Words” | Rev. 22: 12-14, 16-17, 20-21 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
May 22 | “Don’t Let Your Hearts Be Afraid” | John 14: 23-29 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
May 15 | “The Bible’s Best Short Story” | selected verses from Ruth | Rev. Charles M. Smith |
May 8 | “Their Robes Have Been Washed” | Rev. 1: 1-19 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
May 1 | “How Jesus Shows Up” | John 21: 1-19 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Apr 24 | Jesus’ Scars, Signs of Hope | John 20: 19-31 | Carter Rief |
Apr 17 | “A Brighter Day” | John 20: 1-18 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Apr 3 | “Knowing the Seemingly Absurd Christ” | Phil. 3: 4-14 | Rev. Kolby Golliher |
Mar 27 | “Keep Going” | Jer. 29: 11-13 Phil. 3: 12-16 | Bishop Leonard E. Fairley |
Mar 20 | “Your Love Is Better Than Life” | Ps. 63: 1-8 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Mar 13 | “Stand Firm” | Phil. 3:17 – 4:1 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Mar 6 | “I Will Be with Them in Trouble” | Ps. 91: 1-2, 9-16 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Feb 20 | Living Into the Image of God | I Cor. 15: 35-38, 42-50 | Don Logner |
Feb 13 | “Wisdom that Works … Until It Doesn’t“ | Jer. 17: 5-10 | Carter Rief |
Feb 6 | “Deep Water” | Luke 5: 1-11 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Jan 30 | “They Were Amazed” | Luke 4: 21-30 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Jan 23 | “Location, Location, Location” | Luke 4: 14-21 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Jan 16 | “No Longer Will They Call You” | Is. 62: 1-5 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Jan 9 | “I Will Be With You” | Is. 43: 1-7 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |
Jan 2 | “Another Route” | Mt. 2: 1-12 | Rev. Ed Priestaf |