Meet our Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries:
Autumn Gentry
In 2024, Autumn Gentry expanded her role with our church to become the Youth and Children’s Ministries Director. Logistically, our regular parent volunteers will continue to be involved with UMYF and with helping Autumn as needed. Pastor Ed also continues to be involved on a weekly basis at UMYF, teaching Bible studies and helping Autumn and the volunteers so that we are meeting the spiritual needs of our youth and keeping them connected to the life of the church. Autumn typically works Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, and of course Sundays. Her office is on the first floor of the church, through the Lewis Room. Please pray for Autumn and her family as she adapts to this new role to love our youth and share Jesus with them – and pray for one another. Being a youth isn’t easy and neither is being a parent. Being the church isn’t for the faint of heart either!
You can contact Autumn at 336-501-1953 (cell) or
Nursery in Room 201 across from the Church Office
Sundays year-round 8:40 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Childcare for babies and toddlers – Room 201, down the hall from the Main Sanctuary, 2nd Floor
Staffed by two paid people – Sherry Clayton and Kayla Brown – and occasionally by church volunteers – the nursery is available during Sunday School as well as during both Sunday morning worship services year-round. Parents are asked to set their cell phones on vibrate and leave their number with the attendants so they can contact them if needed.
Sunday School for grades K-5
in the Lee Long Youth Room on the third floor
Each Sunday, unless otherwise announced – Sept. through May
10:00 – 10:40 a.m.
Children’s Choir
in the Lee Long Youth Room with Music Director Chuck Higgins
First fifteen minutes of Sunday School of each week
10:00 – 10:15 a.m.
Children’s Church in the Chapel
Children begin the 11:00 a.m. Sunday worship service seated with their parents in the Main Sanctuary and, after the Children’s Message, are dismissed to an age-appropriate Children’s Church held in the Chapel. The adult volunteers bring the children back to the Main Sanctuary to receive Communion when it is served.
Vacation Bible School
Each summer Long Memorial hosts a Vacation Bible School for children ages 3½ and up. Classes and activities are geared for elementary age children, and the older youth act as helpers. Our VBS is free and open to the community.
The fun kicks off on Sunday evening with a casual supper, introduction to the week’s theme, and a sing-along introducing the week’s music. Then on Monday through Wednesday mornings, children enjoy a variety of activities including crafts, Bible stories, music and movement, and snacks as they explore and experience God’s love. On the following Sunday all participants and their families are invited to Long Memorial’s 11 a.m. worship service to share some of the songs and Bible verses they’ve learned with the congregation.
If you would like to volunteer in any of these areas of the Children’s Ministry, please contact Autumn Gentry at 336-501-1953 (cell) or .