Lay Readers
During the 11:00 a.m. worship service each Sunday, a Lay Reader leads the Call to Worship and the Prayer for Illumination, and reads the First Lesson of the Lectionary. The Lay Reader sits up front with the Pastor at the beginning of the service and then joins the congregation when his or her role is finished. No special training is required, only the ability to read clearly and with expression. Lay Readers rotate on a weekly basis and never serve more than once a month. The schedule is published in the monthly Newsletter. The Church Secretary Peggy Wade lets each Lay Reader know what scripture passage they will be reading. Under ordinary circumstances, as the need arises, each Lay Reader is responsible for arranging for a substitute from the Lay Reader Roster and then notifying Peggy. To volunteer, please contact Peggy at 336-599-1193 ext.1.
The Head Ushers – one for the 8:45 a.m. service and two for the 11:00 a.m. service – arrive at least half an hour before the worship service begins and perform many roles: they greet people as they arrive for worship; hand out service bulletins; introduce newcomers to those nearby; help those with special needs; give directions to the nursery and restrooms, etc.; help people find seats when the church is crowded; facilitate lining up for Holy Communion; pass the offertory collection plates; and stand ready to get a first aid kit or use a fire extinguisher or call 911 as needed. During the 11:00 a.m. worship service, Assistant Ushers help to pass the offertory collection plates. Men and women are welcome to serve as ushers. If you would like to be an usher, please contact Woody Garrett at 336-599-8202 for the 8:45 a.m. service or Jamie Mundy at 336-503-3475 for the 11:00 a.m. service.
Acolytes light the altar candles at the beginning, and extinguish them at the end, of the 11:00 a.m. worship service, assist with Holy Communion and sit on the front pew. Each Acolyte wears a cassock and cotta (robe and over-blouse) which are provided by the church. All children in third grade and up are eligible to serve. Acolytes rotate on a weekly basis and do not serve more than once a month. The schedule is published in the monthly Newsletter. Acolyte training is held each January. If you would like for your child to be an Acolyte in the coming year, please contact the Church Office at 336-599-1193.