The first step toward joining Long Memorial is to talk with the pastor. The pastor will be able to answer your questions and help you discern what next steps to take. You can contact Long Memorial’s Pastor Ed Priestaf at 336-599-1193 ext. 3 or
If you have never been baptized, you will prepare for baptism under the guidance of the pastor. Baptism marks the beginning of our lifelong journey as disciples of Jesus Christ. In baptism, we are initiated into the Christian church and incorporated into the community of God’s people, the Body of Christ. The United Methodist Church recognizes the Baptisms at any age performed by other denominations of the Christian church.
If you were baptized as an infant or young child but have not made a profession of faith and been confirmed, then you will prepare to reaffirm your baptism when you take the membership vows.
If you are a member of another congregation of the United Methodist Church, you can simply contact that church and request that a Letter of Transfer be sent to Long Memorial.
If you are a member of another denomination of the Christian church (such as Baptist, Episcopalian, Lutheran or Presbyterian), then you can transfer your membership from that church to Long Memorial United Methodist Church. Please contact that church and request that a Letter of Transfer be sent to Long Memorial.
If you are a member of another denomination of the Christian church that does not transfer membership (such as Roman Catholic), you can make a profession of faith and be received as a member.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints presents itself as a faith tradition outside the parameters of historic, apostolic Christianity and holds a unique interpretation of Baptism. Therefore, if you are Mormon, you will be offered the sacrament of Christian Baptism following a period of instruction in the traditional Christian faith before being received as a member of the United Methodist Church.
Becoming a United Methodist means making a commitment to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ through active participation in a local congregation such as Long Memorial. The vows of professing membership thus include promises to faithfully participate through prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness in connection with a local congregation.
On the day you are received into the United Methodist Church you will be invited to the front of the church during a Sunday morning worship service. You will be baptized or reaffirm your baptismal vows and/or profess your commitment to Christian discipleship through active participation, and we will joyfully welcome you as a new member! The Baptismal Covenant and membership vows can be found in the United Methodist Hymnal, pages 32-54, or at The UMC Baptismal Covenant.