The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the Chapel and the Main Sanctuary for Sunday worship and special worship services. Rotating on a monthly basis, teams of two or three meet during the week to straighten and evenly distribute hymnals and pew Bibles, remove old bulletins and other items left behind, check the candles and replace them as needed, and change the paraments (the fabric hangings on the altar and pulpit) according to liturgical season. Periodically members meet to polish the sanctuary brass: the cross, candlesticks, collection plates and candle lighters. These work meetings are a time of lively fellowship over busy hands.
Others besides the Altar Guild also help prepare for worship. Custodians vacuum and dust. Communion Stewards prepare the elements for Holy Communion. The Flower Chairman takes care of the altar flowers and the Sound Technician readies the microphones and sound desk.
For more information about the Altar Guild, please contact Cornelia Loftis at 336-597-2434.